The Humane Cattle Guard sets on the ground with no pit necessary. The standard measurements are 8' x 12' although we can make the size you need to replace an existing guard.
The Humane Cattle Guard is an injury-reducing way to deter animals from entering or crossing into prohibited areas. The use of the Humane Cattle Guard enables other animals such as horses, bison and wildlife to use the area without the risk of a conventional cattle guard.
The "top hat" and the "pocket" portions of the guard provide shadowing and alter the depth perception that grazing animals see as unsteady. The animal will be unable to gain secure footing on the "top hat" while "the pocket" protects hoofs and legs from passing through resulting in serious injury and death.
In studies performed by Temple Grandin (Behavioral Principles of Livestock Handling), she states that while grazing animals are not color blind, they have an excellent vision system that provides distance vision but relatively weak eye muscles that inhibit the ability to perceive depth at ground level. This is why livestock will balk at shadows.
First hand knowledge in livestock handling, watching our animals and seeing their reactions to different situations and utilizing studies done on animal behavior and their vision, we projected, engineered and fabricated The Humane Cattle Guard as the safest way to deter animals.

The Humane Cattle Guard
Patent Pending