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Dou While working on the original cattle guard I kept thinking of a way to make it safe for all livestock and wildlife.  I know most ranchers are not able to check the entire ranch everyday and the idea of an animal stuck in a cattle guard for days, suffering and finally dying just didn't seem worth the price to pay for keeping the animal contained to begin with.   I would much rather gather the animal and return it to the pasture then to  cut it out of a cattle guard most likely resulting in death.
      Since the guard works off of the animals depth perception, shadowing and sounds, we came up with The Humane Cattle Guard.  It is completely enclosed without any pits and has very small  gaps for water and dust to filter through, but not large enough for a hoof or leg.
       I have personally tested The Humane Cattle Guard  with my ranch livestock over the past few years and have found it to work extremely well, even with the old "farm cows" and my collection of retired horses.  They have "seen it all" and were quite interested in checking it out, but that's as far as any of them have gotten, even when enticed with fresh alfalfa not one of the 200 head have tried to cross it.
With today's focus on preserving wildlife, ranchers can work together to give all  of our  animals a safer environment and still maintain some boundaries.  Wild horses, bison. deer, elk and even the desert tortoise  can roam together and still have  a safe place to call their home.   We as ranchers have been said to be "the stewards of the land" and  I believe we can utilize the land for grazing and still maintain a safe environment for all our animals.
The Humane Cattle Guard
              TM serial # 86174368
                       Patent Pending